Story Of Core JavaScript. (0) Exploring ReactJS as a Back-end engineer.
So, I was a back-end developer working with GO (golang) and Python, saying honestly, I was a pure backend engineer, responsible for the back-end system, the script, and sometimes the deployment. But since the technological stack is multiplying with JavaScript, I thought it was a good time to learn new tools such as ES6, React and NodeJs. Then I began my travel with JavaScript.
Phase 0. Learning JavaScript with Core concept.
As a GO / Python developer, I was already familiar with the syntax and structure, but It was a bit easy for me to move from a statically-typed language to a dynamic language because I had a quite good experience with python. But yes JavaScript has its structure, Own things like Event loop, Call stack, Execution context, etc. So I started learning the core first, like Execution context How this works, What is the event loop, How call-stack is working the total underlying concept of JavaScript. Here is the list that I’ve completed in this section.
- Execution Context.
- Event Loop.
- Call Stack.
- Scope and Variables.
- Variable environment ( Let, Const, Var ).
- Block scope.
- Closures.
- Functions ( Higher-Order, Anonymous, Call Back )
- Array methods, filter, reduce, map.
- Learning about the V8 engine.
- How asynchronous JS is working.
- How Class is working.
- Why web pack( babel is needed).
- Browser API, window, this.
- etc.
After learning these things, I had the whole architecture of JavaScript in my head. How cool the thing is. Why V8 is so cool? V8: is Google’s high-performing open source JavaScript and WebAssembly engine, written in C++. It is used in Chrome and NodeJs.
How single-thread synchronous JavaScript works as an asynchronous multi-thread language and how well the execution context works.
Lastly, That core concept helped me to go into the 2nd Phase where I learned ES6. I’ll be sharing phase 2 soon. Please tell me if there is any erroneous information or errors.